The world of Headless CMS: Contenful, Strapi and Wordpress



Headless CMS, also known as a "decoupled" or "content as a service" CMS, is a system that separates the content management and delivery systems. This allows for the content to be delivered to any digital channel or device through an API, while the content management system can be updated and managed separately. This can provide more flexibility and scalability for organizations with multiple digital channels and devices, as well as the ability to use different technology stacks for the front-end and back-end systems.

The reasons why to use a Headless CMS

Flexibility: A headless CMS allows for the delivery of content to any digital channel or device, as the content is not tied to a specific front-end system. This means that the organization can use different technology stacks for the front-end and back-end systems, providing more flexibility in terms of how the content is displayed.

Scalability: A headless CMS can also be more scalable than traditional CMSs, as it allows for the separation of the content management and delivery systems. This means that the organization can add new digital channels or devices without having to update the CMS.

Speed and performance: With headless CMS, since the front end is separate, it can be optimized for speed and performance, as it doesn't have to handle the weight of a traditional CMS.

Cost: A headless CMS can also be more cost-effective than traditional CMSs, as it allows for the use of existing front-end systems, which can reduce development costs.

Development: With headless cms, developers can focus on the front end, and the back end is handled by a separate team, which could lead to a more efficient workflow and faster development.

Most Common/Powerful Headless CMS Services

There are several popular and powerful headless CMS services available on the market. Some of the most common and powerful ones include:

Contentful: Contentful is a cloud-based headless CMS that allows users to create, manage, and distribute content across multiple platforms and devices. It features a simple and intuitive interface, a robust API, and a variety of integrations and tools.

Strapi: Strapi is an open-source headless CMS that allows users to create, manage, and distribute content via an API. It features a user-friendly interface, a variety of plugins, and a large community of developers.

Prismic: Prismic is a SaaS headless CMS that provides a user-friendly interface, a robust API, and a variety of integrations and tools. It is also great for multi-language sites, and it's easy to use for non-technical editors

Sanity: Sanity is a headless CMS that provides a user-friendly interface and a robust API. It is great for developers as it's easy to use, has a lot of integrations and plugins, and it's built on React.

Wordpress with GraphQL: Wordpress is a powerful CMS for like two decades and still %30 of the internet is powered by Wordpress. Wordpress has built-in REST API support and it can be used for a great tool as a headless CMS. Also, there is even better tool called WPGraphQL, and it will make it more powerful to use with GraphQL.

These are just a few examples of the many headless CMS services that are available. The best one for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. is powered by Contentful, and it has great features and if you are planning to use it, I would highly recommend it. There will be more detailed posts about usage for Contentful and Wordpress with GraphQL. Please stay tuned :)